
O’Neal operates from a comprehensive digital strategy that provides a foundation for an integrated approach that reaches from initial project assessment through design, procurement and construction and into facility turnover, operation and maintenance. The digital strategy includes:

  • An integrated suite of project assessment tools including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) combined with O’Neal’s proprietary SCOPE® technology to provide cost-effective, site development cost assessments
  • Laser scanning to accurately quantify complex existing systems, combined with O’Neal’s design capability to automate model generation from the point cloud
  • Integrated multi-authoring, 3D BIM platforms that feed quantity take-off, fabrication + construction
  • Full utilization of BIM in the field to manage quality, safety + overall information flow among design, project management + trade contractor personnel
  • Equipment tracking that moves from design and specification into procurement + into the field where bar codes are used to accept, store, install, commission + start-up equipment—all in one integrated process
  • Turnover of all project documentation, including equipment operating + maintenance data that can be loaded into the client’s ERP system
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